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ayurveda Introduction
Physical and Astral Aspects of Health
Healing Grace
Three Basic Forces of Nature
Air – Fire – Water
Ayurveda & Other Healing Systems
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba speaks on Ayurveda


The word Ayurveda means the science of life. It is the science of healing through herbs and natural means. Ayurveda is the most ancient natural healing system of India. This system is a part of the Vedic Science and goes back to more than 4000 years B.C.


The healing system of Ayurveda was formulated by the ancient Hindu saint "Dhanvantary," who was an enlightened soul. Ayurveda is part of the Vedic Sciences which goes back more than 4000 years B.C. Vedic Sciences include Yoga, Meditation, Astrology, and Ayurveda. Thus Ayurveda is a branch of the holy sciences.

Ayurveda includes herbal supplements, the right kind of diet, and right kind of living. Therefore the spiritual aspect is very much inherent.

Ayurvedic healing became very popular and spread to other parts of the world like Tibet, Sri Lanka, Burma, and China. The Buddhist monks applied the science to their practice. Many monks were Ayurvedic doctors.

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Physical and Astral Aspects of Health

As per the spiritual culture and belief of ancient Hindu scriptures, diseases arise out of two main reasons. First, they arise because of physical and biological disorders, which are generally treated with herbs, diet correction, and certain yogic exercises. Second, they arise because of bad karmic effects, which require greater application and understanding. The treatment for these kinds of diseases may need various kinds of methods like gem therapy, mantric healing, certain prayers, diet, and inner rectification of the self. While the physical body may have a strong energy, the astral body may have dark energies, which can perplex a person.

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Healing Grace

In the Hindu culture, everything is done with prayers to God. Without divine grace, nothing is possible. This ‘God' has nothing to do with being a Hindu, Muslim, a Christian etc. It is simply a staunch faith that there is an infinite power that governs everything. This way, you also open up your consciousness to positive energy and healing.

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Three Basic Forces of Nature

The Vedas are the most ancient scriptures, which deal with every aspect of creation and existence. There are four Vedas, namely- Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda and Yajur Veda. As per Rig Veda, there are three basic forces in nature:

The first one is the principle of energy. The principle of life is called Prana which means life force. It is this primal force through which the manifestation of the universe took place. It's origin can be related to God. Then in the external level, comes the will, the consciousness, and power of discretion and determination and the intelligence.

The second force is the principle of light energy. This creates transformation, propagation, the expansion and higher understanding. On the spiritual level, it deals with illumination of the mind, enlightenment, and higher level of consciousness and awareness.

The third force is the cohesive force, which brings all energies in union and balances the nature. The higher form is Selfless Love.

Now these three energies have condensed into the material form of Air, Fire and Water. Earth and Ether are the other two energies, and the five elements put together form the entire creation and humanity.

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Air – Fire – Water

According to Ayurveda, the three primary life forces in the body relate to three humors of Air, Fire and Water. These three principle elements govern the growth and decay of the human body. Whenever any of these three go out of ratio, or balance, then diseases start to appear in the body.

The Air element governs inhalation, exhalation, movements, discharges, impulses and the human senses. The Fire element deals with hunger, thirst, digestion, excretion, body warmth and circulation. It also relates to the body strength, energy, youth, intelligence and executive abilities. The Water element controls the stability, lubrication, movements, body luster, digestive tract, glands and fluids of the body.

On the deeper level, there are five forms of each of these three elements. These three elements of Air, Fire and Water govern different tastes. The Fire energy governs sour, pungent and salty taste. The Air energy governs bitter, astringent and pungent tastes. The Water energy governs sweet and partly salty tastes.

Thus anyone with too much of water element in them should not have sweets, those with too much air element in them should not have astringent or bitter (like alcohol), and those with too much of fire element should avoid sour and pungent foods. Therefore each person should analyze their own body constitution and eat the right kind of food accordingly. Of course, it would take an Ayurvedic practitioner or an Astrologer to tell you what is best for you.

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Ayurveda & Other Healing Systems

Ayurveda is a very deep science and it covers many other healing systems. For example, it also deals with the colours, ash of astro gemstones called Bhasma, Dietetics, Yoga, Meditation, Mantras, herbal oil massage, climatic suitability, emotional and mental balance. Thus it is not just a medicinal science, but a complete and comprehensive system for a healthy and long life.

Dr. Rakesh Kumar (Ph.D.) in his many years of experiments discovered that certain herbs given to a person for a particular problem on basis of the birth horoscope have healed the person. There are certain herbs and roots which are attributed to the planets. Thus a combination of gemstones, mantras, and herbs have worked wonders for many people.

The most important thing about Ayurvedic healing is that the herbs are NOT MEDICINES, but nature's gift to mankind, which have medicinal properties. There are no side effects whatsoever. Live life naturally, live healthy and strong and live a lifelong!

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Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba speaks on Ayurveda

bhagawan sri sathya sai baba

“In life, health is the greatest wealth. Since ancient times, yogis, sages, and seers made penetrating investigations into the means to keep good health. They were of the view that man could work for the peace and security of the world only when he is in good health.”

“In modern times, many people are inclined to place complete faith in allopathic medicine. Others feel that Ayurvedic principles are essential. Allopathy only gives temporary relief; it does not permanently cure diseases. But Ayurveda can provide such permanent cures.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, January 19th 2001
On the inaguration day of the Super Speciality Hospital, Puttaparthi, India

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